
Hi there, I'm Micah Klug!

I teach time-tested solutions to help parents remember what matters most in life, including strengthening their home, faith, and family relationships. If you're like most parents, you may have noticed that life can often be overwhelming and busy. Follow along for the latest tips, tools, and strategies on how to find joy in the relationships that matter most.

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Sneaky way to trick your kids

As a parent, you don't have to compete with today's world for your child's attention to help them love the Bible. Children have a beautiful gift to love the Lord as they learn more about him. If you want your little one to know and love the Bible, this Color and Learn Bible Memory Verse Flashcards is the perfect resource! (And you can grab it for less than a cup of your favorite coffee or hot chocolate at your local shop). You'll get 24 flash card coloring pages that will keep your kids busy...

I didn't know what she would say...but I'm not shocked, if that makes sense? My daughter has an online religion class about the Armor of God. Her first day's homework was to bring her favorite scripture to class. "Which verse are you going to share?" I asked. "Oh probably the one in Revelation where there's a lot of destruction." 🤦🤨😬 But as any parent knows, you're not supposed to let your kids see you sweat. "Any reason?" "No, just to make an impression...maybe I'll do the Fruits of the...

You can miss so much when you look away for a split second. Like those days when you blink and your children grow 3 feet right before your eyes. Or the minute you feel the crisp fall air come through your neighborhood and the woman across the street now has pumpkins on her porch and sweaters on all her family members. Now, if you're feeling this way with your Proverbs 31 women's Bible study from the beginning of this week, I have something for you. Instead of blinking and losing the post in...

I was sitting in one of those "too small for my bums" church seats. A well meaning individual told me, "You genuinely need time away from your husband and kids...time just for you." And I whole heartedly agree. But sometimes what we need isn't always what we get. Because by the time you map out who's taking care of the kids, meal prepping so they don't ask for a thousand fruit snacks, and try to figure out what you're going to do for're tired. And then you spend the next couple...

My family has a simple tradition before the start of school. We gather the kids together, my husband gives each child a priesthood blessing, and we pray over them. The beginning of a new school year can be both exciting and nerve-wracking for children. As a parent, I want my children feel supported and loved as they get ready for a new academic year. That’s why I always turn to the Lord in prayer during this time. Prayer's powerful and can provide comfort, guidance, and strength for ourselves...

I blame the mouse - Geronimo Stilton. If your kid hasn't read these books yet, run to the library and check them out. They're such a fun way to encourage kids to read. But, because my little girl read them she chose "mystery princess detective" as her career. And that's exactly how she introduced herself to - adults at church- the librarian with the thick black-rimmed glasses- and a handful of friends she met upside down at the park Obviously every year her career choice changes. Now she...

“I don’t like that outfit.” My daughter and I were at our favorite clothing store. She was tearing through the racks like a hungry lion. She had to find the perfect outfit. I asked her. “Okay, what about this one?” She gave me a shoulder shrug. “Oooh, this one is awesome!” My eleven going on twenty-year-old girl held up a shirt shinier than the surface of the sun. I think I went a little blind. "This one is PERRRRFECT!" Yes, there's two times a year my kids get clothes. Usually around...

Rewind to Wednesday, 7:38PM. I thought the poor guy's hand was going to be blown off...or at least look like it went through a cheese grader. Youth night brought out the pyro-fire lovin' people in our group. And this young man was leading the way. He took a long bottle rocket, lit the fuse, and within a few seconds the thing started sparking in his hand and (thankfully) shot up and away. Between you and me, angels were watching over him. But I can't blame him for his contagious enthusiasm for...

They all shouted “yes” when they were asked a simple question: "Does Sister B. do a lot for you?" There were even a few girls who started sharing stories of this sweet woman who has touch their lives. So when they were asked to write a thank you note for her in class, it was a no-brainer activity. Until they were told they can’t use their hands. “What do you mean we can’t use our hands!? How are we supposed to write the letter?” A few shouted out clever ideas and the rules were repeated...

Mu-wa-haha! My poor kids didn't know if they had a mad scientist or a mother with a wild idea in front of them. Because July is coming to an end. And I can smell the new box of Crayola markers at Walmart in the Back 2 School aisle from all the way over here. Can I tell you, Reader, this is my favorite time of year (right after Christmas)? There's something magical about a box of new sharpened pencils and watermelon erasers you can attach to the end of your pencil. But not everyone goes to a...